Quixe runtime error

Hi all,

I’m in the throes of final testing of my new game, and, worryingly, I just got this message when trying to save a game in progress using the Quixe interpreter:

Quixe run: QuotaExceededError: Failed to execute ‘setItem’ on ‘Storage’: Setting the value of ‘content:save:476c756c00030102002b73000047490000474900000100000000003c001b8ceab8943aa5496e666f00010000362e3333302e33380001313630383035c1000030:biosav’ exceeded the quota. Failed to execute ‘setItem’ on ‘Storage’: Setting the value of ‘content:save:476c756c00030102002b73000047490000474900000100000000003c001b8ceab8943aa5496e666f00010000362e3333302e33380001313630383035c1000030:biosav’ exceeded the quota. QuotaExceededError

I don’t even know where to begin on decoding and debugging this. Does anyone have any ideas?



Quixe saves games using browser local storage. Browsers put a quota limit on this storage.

The limit is per-site. If you have a lot of save files (perhaps from different games) on the same domain, that might cause this – in which case you can delete some of them. If this is the first save file on the domain, that would be a bigger deal.

Thanks zarf. Is there any way of gracefully handling this within the Quixe platform?

Does the error halt the game entirely?