Telling I7 that something is a topic, not a snippet of text

When the player wins the game, I want the end-of-story message to display the option to open a bonus menu with behind-the-scenes info and stuff like that.
I do this by changing the third row in the Table of Final Question Options:

When play begins: now final question wording in row 3 of the Table of Final Question Options is "see BONUS content"; now topic in row 3 of the Table of Final Question Options is "bonus"; now final response activity in row 3 of the Table of Final Question Options is opening the bonus menu; [other code]
However, this leads to a run-time error because the compiler thinks that “bonus” is a snippet of text. How do I make it understand that it is a topic?

A known bug. The workaround is to trick the source text parser:To decide what topic is (T - a topic) as a topic: decide on T. and then ... now topic in row 3 of the Table of Final Question Options is "bonus" as a topic; ...

Oh, thank you very much!

As the bug report suggests, this may be resolved in the next version of Inform, which is scheduled for this April 28.