
I tried. I really did! I tried my code all kindsa ways, but I’m still doing something wrong.

if player does not wear socks: say "Are you really prepared to go out like that?"; stop the action; otherwise: if player does not wear shoes: say "Are you really prepared to go out like that?"; stop the action; otherwise: if player does not wear shirt: say "Are you really prepared to go out like that?"; stop the action; otherwise: if player does not wear pants: say "Are you really prepared to go out like that?"; stop the action; otherwise: if player does not wear jacket: say "Are you really prepared to go out like that?"; stop the action; otherwise: continue the action.

The error message:

Problem. You wrote ‘otherwise’ : but this doesn’t match a corresponding ‘if’, as it must. An ‘otherwise’ must be vertically underneath the ‘if’ to which it corresponds, at the same indentation, and if the ‘otherwise’ uses a colon to begin a block then the ‘if’ must do the same.

Problem. The phrase or rule definition ‘Instead of going north while player is in Bedroom’ is written using the ‘colon and indentation’ syntax for its 'if’s, 'repeat’s and 'while’s, where blocks of phrases grouped together are indented one tab step inward from the ‘if …:’ or similar phrase to which they belong. But the tabs here seem to be misaligned, and I can’t determine the structure. The first phrase going awry in the definition seems to be ‘if player does not wear shoes’ , in case that helps.

You need to indent your stop the action phrases. They need to go inside your if statements, so that there is nothing at the same indentation level between the if and otherwise lines.

Hooray! That worked! Thanks! Now I can go outside!

Also, remember that you can use “and” and “or” in logical expressions.

If the player does not wear a shirt or the player does not wear a jacket or the player does not wear socks...

You can sometimes also make it read better by inverting the whole thing.

Unless the player is wearing socks and the player is wearing shoes and the player is wearing a shirt...

Again, thanks!

Everything indented right of an if block goes inside the block and only happens if the action is evaluated to true. Everything else goes after the block, and is evaluated no matter what. So for instance:

Instead of taking the red hot iron:
  if the player does not wear gloves:
    say "Ouch! No! Too hot!";
  stop the action.

Will always stop the action, but will only print a message if the player isn’t wearing gloves.

Also, if you have a lot of conditions that have to be tested all together, it’s often more readable to create a definition:

Definition: a person is dressed rather than undressed:
  unless they wear socks, no;
  unless they wear a shirt, no;
  unless they wear trousers, no;
  [other conditions]

Instead of going to The Great Outdoors when the player is undressed: