Vehicle/Room Sizes


I’m working on a fiction in which there will be some rooms that are very small, so I don’t want certain things to be able to go inside. So far this is my code (Since I only want the Sky Bandit to not be able to fit in some rooms currently.)

A room can be large or small. A room is usually large. A sky bandit is a kind of vehicle. Instead of going somewhere small when the player is in the Sky Bandit: Say "It's far too large to fit in there."; Stop the action.
Except it seems to ignore that code and allow you to go in small rooms while in the Sky Bandit.

Thanks for any help,

Inform is very specific about prepositions in actions. With the going action, “to” is used for the destination, and “by” for the vehicle.

Instead of going to a small room by Sky Bandit...

It’s analogous to “going by boat” or “going by train,” but reads odd when you write something like “Instead of going to an indoor room by the giant snake”.

The clause “when the player is in the Sky Bandit” is correct. (Except that, since sky bandit is a kind, you should say “when the player is in a sky bandit”.)

This works:

Instead of going to somewhere small when the player is in a sky bandit:
	say "It's far too large to fit in there.";
	stop the action.

Hi Blaze5565,

Not an extremely useful addition, but:

Instead of going to somewhere small when the player is in a sky bandit: say "It's far too large to fit in there."

Should work, no need to “stop the action”, since it’s an “instead”.

Saves you a line, not much, but I like clean code :wink:

Ok, thanks for the help. It works now, yay.