Rotating Help Message: counter is a number variable


I’m kinda stuck with my thingy.

All help welcome, but keep in mind, I’m new and I’m kinda stupid. Small words, please. Unless you speak dutch.

So, I have a number variable named counter because I’m original, and what I want it to do is three things:

1 : each turn counter goes up with one.

Each turn: now counter is counter + 1.

2 : when counter reaches a certain value, it should reset.

Each turn: now counter is counter +1; if counter is 5, now counter is 0.

3 : when you input ADVICE, the game will use the value in counter to give you a certain message.

Understand "advice" as asking for advice. Asking for advice is an action out of world. Carry out asking for advice: if counter is 0, say "have you tried rubbing the lamp?" if counter is 1, say "fine day to rob a bank" if counter is 2, say "there's a snake in my boot" if counter is 3, say "fluttershy is best pony" if counter is 4, say "i'm running out of funny things to say" if counter is 5, say "this shouldn't be able to happen"


if there’s an easier way to do this kind of thing, even if the messages appear at random, let me know! i’ve been looking around for something but i can’t find a solution.

First person to help me out with this gets this:

Am I misunderstanding something, or is what you want equivalent to

Understand "advice" as asking for advice. Asking for advice is an action out of world.
Carry out asking for advice: say "[one of]have you tried rubbing the lamp?[or]fine day to rob a bank[or]there's a snake in my boot[or]fluttershy is best pony[or]i'm running out of funny things to say[cycling]".

Home is a room.
Test me with "advice/g/g/g/g/g/g".[/code]?

This method works but isn't very flexible. If you want branching help paths, you might want to use a different method.

Edit: Ok, I did misunderstand what you meant. Anyway, you can still do it with tables, and you don't need a bookkeeping variable.

[code]Table of Help Messages
msg (text)
"have you tried rubbing the lamp?"
"fine day to rob a bank"
"there's a snake in my boot"
"fluttershy is best pony"
"i'm running out of funny things to say"

Understand "advice" as asking for advice. Asking for advice is an action out of world.
Carry out asking for advice:
	let N be the remainder after dividing the turn count by the number of rows in Table of Help Messages;
	choose row (N + 1) in the Table of Help Messages;
	say the msg entry;
	say line break.

Home is a room.
Test me with "advice/wait/advice/wait/advice/wait/advice/wait/advice/wait/advice".

The first method just cycles the text. The second one effectively cycles based on the turn count (a built-in variable that starts at 1 and increments every turn).

Thank you Eleas!

This is yours!


So, I have a number variable named counter because I’m original, and what I want it to do is three things: 1 : each turn counter goes cps test tup with one. Each … This option allows you to choose a variable or counter from a pop-up menu. The variable is then replaced with the current value before the message is sent. Count the number of bits to be flipped to convert A to B using the AND operator: · Declare variable flips equal to zero · Run a loop, while a is greater than zero …