quick question about empty properties

Sorry. I know this is dumb but if someone could please explain why the first code snippet works but not the second I would appreciate it. What is confusing me, is the value of the property of the noun which does not seem to change. In all cases it provides it but if I don’t do the check my output for the second code snippet when I type about bottle is nothing. ??

[code]Understand the command “about” as something new.

Abouting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “about [any thing]” as abouting.

a thing has some text called the about_desc. The about_desc of a thing is usually “”.

Check abouting something:
if the noun provides the property about_desc:
if the about_desc of the noun is “”:
say “Sorry I have no further information about that topic.” instead;
say “[about_desc of the noun]” instead;

Headache Room is a room.
a Migraine an animal is in headache room. “The migraine is skulking in a dark corner of the room”.
the description of the migraine is “Even though it’s trying to hide you can still feel it’s presence.”.
the about_desc of the migraine is “migraine: a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.”.

an bottle is in the headache room. The printed name of the bottle is “orange plastic bottle”.


about migraine
migraine: a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.
about bottle
Sorry I have no further information about that topic.

[code]Understand the command “about” as something new.

Abouting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “about [any thing]” as abouting.

a thing has some text called the about_desc. The about_desc of a thing is usually “”.

Check abouting something:
if the about_desc of the noun is “”:
say “Sorry I have no further information about that topic.” instead;
say “[about_desc of the noun]” instead;


Both examples work when I compile them. (In 6M62.)

(I had to remove the and comments as they were interfering with indentation.)

Since you say “a thing has some text called the about_desc”, it will always be true that the noun provides that property.

I swear I ran that example a dozen times… I put in say statements, used SHOWME, RULES, ACTIONS, the lot… it would not work. Just now, I copied it into a new temporary project and sure enough the thing ran…

now I have a headache. sorry to bother you.