Passage of time

Currently it appears that one minute passes in game every time a command is entered. Is there a way to speed this up–say, every time a command is entered, five minutes pass? And is there a way to make certain actions (such as examining) exempt, so that no time passes at all?

Section 1 - Time rate changes

[rate == 0: the clock stands still (but turns still pass).
 rate > 0: time passes at a rate of <rate> minutes per turn.
 rate < 0: time passes at a rate of <rate> turns per minute.]
To set the time rate to (rate - number):
	(- SetTime(the_time, {rate}); -).

To decide which number is the time rate:
	(- time_rate -).

Section 2 - Free actions

This is the take free actions out of world rule:
	if free action, rule succeeds.
The take free actions out of world rule is listed before the every turn stage rule in the turn sequence rules.

Section 3 - Example

Test Chamber is a room.

Examining is a free action.
Jumping is a free action.

When play begins:
	now the time of day is 8:00 am;
	now the right hand status line is "[time of day] ([turn count])";
	set the time rate to 5.
Test me with "z / z / x me / z / z / jump / z".

See the exercises in §19.15. (Two rulebooks used internally) for more.

You can also check out the extension Variable Time Control by Eric Eve, which is in the Public Library.