Need help with math??!!

I’m not quite sure how to set this up. I would like the player to get more exhausted according to the amount of weight he carries. Every turn: If the carrying-weight of the player is greater than 5: let the exhaustion of the player be the exhaustion of the player plus 1.

I’m getting this error, “You wrote ‘let the exhaustion of the player be the exhaustion of the player plus 1’, but that seems to involve adding a person (‘player’) to a number (‘1’), which is not good arithmetic.”

Any help is appreciated!

Every turn:
	If the carrying-weight of the player is greater than 5:
		now the exhaustion of the player is the exhaustion of the player plus 1.

Let defines a local variable. You want to change the state of one of the player’s existing properties.

You can also “increment the exhaustion of the player” as a shorthand.

Or “increase the exhaustion of the player by 2.”