CYOA system that can be compiled to Z-code?

Alright, I have a school project where I’ve decided to create a humorous CYOA text-adventure in the style of the two Swedish Amiga text adventures Knäpp Jörgen i Köket and Spräng Ove i Bastun. Since I’m a really bad programmer (I can do some basic stuff in Commodore 64 Basic, that’s it) I’m looking for a way to write a CYOA-adventure game, where you can preferably have items too, that can use Swedish characters, and that can be somehow compiled to Z-code. Does anyone know anything about this?

You can use I7, there’s an extension (wasn’t it by Jon Ingold?) that allows you to easily to CYOA.

“Simple CYOA” by Mark Tilford? Can it be combined with a Swedish extension, or is that already in Inform 7?

You don’t need a Swedish extension if you’re writing a CYOA. The underlying standard library will still be in English but it doesn’t matter because you won’t be using the parser and the default messages won’t be printed except perhaps a couple (a response to empty input comes to mind) that are easy to replace.

Also “Hybrid Choices” by AW Freyr.