Diferent verbs for the same action?

Hi. I’m trying to make the same action with two diferent verbs. Here’s a rough example:

Instead of inserting coin into machine:
say “you insert the coing into the machine”.

Instead of using coin in machine:
say “you insert coin in machine”.

The problem is that sometimes the code that follows the verb declaration is too long, and I don’t want to type everything twice. Is there a way to declare the actions in one single sentence so I only type the rest of the code once?

Hmmm… Probably something like this:

Space is a room. A machine is here. 

A coin is held by the player.

Instead of inserting coin into machine:
	say "you insert the coin into the machine";
	now the coin is nowhere.

understand "use [coin] on [machine]" as inserting it into.

Thanks, howtophil. It works perfectly!

No problem. :slight_smile: Glad to help