working with men and women - error

Hi everyone! I’m trying to insert in my IF a man (“vecchio”). he is sleeping, but if you awake him and if you talk to him, he’ll give you an object (“pietra focaia”).
i wrote this

A thing can be akawe or sleeping. A thing is usually akawe.

instead of talking to vecchio:
	if vecchio is sleeping:
		say "Sta dormendo, non ti sente.";
		say "<<Ciao ragazzo. Hanno preso anche te, eh? Che siano maledetti... Prendi questa pietra focaia, può sempre tornarti utile. E poi sicuramente serve più a te che a me.>>[paragraph break]Il Vecchio ti da una pietra focaia.[paragraph break]Prendi la pietra focaia e la metti in tasca.";
		now pietra focaia is showed;
		now the player carry pietra focaia.

but it gives me this error:

what’s the problem?
thank you very much!

Hmmm… Maybe it doesn’t like “-ing” as a state.

This seems to work:

Office is a Room.

A person can be asleep or awake.
Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing.
Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to.
Report talking to: say "You have nothing to say.".

Vecchio is a man in Office. Vecchio is asleep.

instead of talking to Vecchio:
	if vecchio is asleep:
		say "Sta dormendo, non ti sente.";
		say "<<Ciao ragazzo. Hanno preso anche te, eh? Che siano maledetti... Prendi questa pietra focaia, può sempre tornarti utile. E poi sicuramente serve più a te che a me.>>[paragraph break]Il Vecchio ti da una pietra focaia.[paragraph break]Prendi la pietra focaia e la metti in tasca.".
Instead of Waking Vecchio:
	say "You shout in his ear. He wakes. Angry.";
	Now Vecchio is awake.

I get this output in my little test:

You can see Vecchio here.

>talk to vecchio
Sta dormendo, non ti sente.

>wake vecchio
You shout in his ear. He wakes. Angry.

>talk to vecchio
<<Ciao ragazzo. Hanno preso anche te, eh? Che siano maledetti... Prendi questa pietra focaia, può sempre tornarti utile. E poi sicuramente serve più a te che a me.>>

Il Vecchio ti da una pietra focaia.

Prendi la pietra focaia e la metti in tasca.


Basically this. Inform doesn’t like -ing for anything except verbs; it’s better to use “awake” and “asleep” for things like this.

You can define -ing adjectives if you want to, as long as they are not already defined as verbs. The specific problem here is that Inform has a built-in sleeping action (although it doesn’t do anything by default). So “sleeping” already means something, as the error report says.

Yes, that was the problem! now it works but… why doesn’t he like -ing adjective?
thank you very much!

I think it’s just that -ing words have a higher chance of being already defined as actions/verbs.

Because SLEEP is a verb implemented in Inform 7 by default - that’s what the error message said:

Likely the code is:

sleeping is an action applying to nothing. understand "sleep" as sleeping. check sleeping: say "You don't feel especially drowsy now." instead.
In English, usually adding -ing to a word forms a gerund, which is a verb used as a noun (or at least the subject of a sentence.)
The recommended adjective “asleep” means that a person is sleeping, but is not already in use by Inform.

Ahhhhh ok I understood! Thank you :slight_smile: