Multiple "After examining rules"?

Is there any way to have multiple “After examining” rules to take effect when more than one is applicable?

For example:

[code]After examining a noun:
if the noun provides the property wakefulness:
say “The [noun] is [the wakefulness of the noun].”

After examining a noun when the noun is a dog:
say “You just love dogs.”

An animal is a kind of thing. A dog is a kind of animal. An animal can be asleep, tired, or awake (this is its wakefulness property).

The yard is a room. In the yard is a dog. The dog is asleep.[/code]

The result of “examine dog” is just

You see nothing special about the dog.

You just love dogs.

Where I want it also to print the “wakefulness”.

What am I missing?


Try using Report rules instead of After rules. Report rules don’t by default succeed and stop rule processing.

[code]Report examining:
if the noun provides the property wakefulness:
say “The [noun] is [the wakefulness of the noun].”

Report examining a dog:
say “You just love dogs.”[/code]

After rules are good when you don’t want an action to report normally and possibly trigger another action.

If you do by chance want multiple After rules to run, put “continue the action” in them. But Hanon is right–Report is designed to work the way you want.