Inform 7, Parts of Self

x self
You see a polished chrome finish covering most of your body. Although parts are scratched, your body is shiny. Your are equipped with a mop brush, an internal chronometer, along with a chargemeter on your body.

x chargemeter
You can’t see any such thing.

x chronometer
You can’t see any such thing.

[code]A robot is a kind of person. The actor is a robot. A robot is always neuter.

The internal chronometer is a kind of thing. The internal chronometer is a part of every robot. The description of internal chronometer is “Your atomic clock states the time is [time of day] Galactic Standard Time.”

The Chargemeter is a kind of thing. Chargemeter is a part of every robot. The description of the chargemeter is “The dial indicates that you are fully powered.”[/code]

If you add the line:

The player is the actor.

your code should work as you expect.

Or you can replace “The actor is a robot.” with

Yourself is a robot.

The line “The actor is a robot.” just creates a robot called “the actor”; it doesn’t tell Inform that “the actor” is the player character.