"If NPC carries..." doesn't work with multiple items?

How do I make this scenario work?

If Duchess carries the widgeta, the widgetb, and the widgetc begin; say "Duchess sighs heavily. 'Oh, I suppose you vant your stupid toys now,' she glowers at you. 'Here, take the cheap things.' She practically throws five blue BLEGOS(tm) at you, then turns her back."; move Duchess' blocks to player.

This only works with a single item, but you need to bring this NPC 3 things before she’ll give you her blocks, and the player should be able to deliver them in any order…Oh and of course, I only want it to occur once. Can anyone help? :slight_smile: Thanks.

You’ll have to write the conditions in full sentences. As for the occurring only once part, you could add a fourth condition that’s true only when the action hasn’t happened yet:

If Duchess carries the widgeta and Duchess carries the widgetb and Duchess carries the widgetc and Duchess carries blocks begin; say "Duchess sighs heavily. 'Oh, I suppose you vant your stupid toys now,' she glowers at you. 'Here, take the cheap things.' She practically throws five blue BLEGOS(tm) at you, then turns her back."; move Duchess' blocks to player; end if.

I appreciate it. :slight_smile: I had no idea you had to write it that way. Thanks a ton. :slight_smile: