Online IF collection - new site

David: I have no idea, and TBH I’m not sure I really care… I can’t imagine it would have been someone outside of the places I’ve linked the collection, which would be the English, French, Spanish and Italian communities. And if I found out who it was, there’s nothing I would want to say or do. One acts according to whatever one thinks is right, and that’s all there is to it…

heartless zombie, as for your first question, I wouldn’t have a clue. :slight_smile: I never even much cared for the license status (as long as it’s not commercial), I’m more interesting in making sure the games survive. Tellingly, I’ve recently submitted some TADS games which I’d rebundled together with their resource files (so it’s easier for mobile terps to read them) and I was told that some of the games I’d submitted were unclear in their distribuition license, and therefore it was deemed best not to add them to the Archive. In the light of what happened here, that seems extremely wise, so it’s best to let thje Archive manage itself - so that it lasts a long time.

As for your second question, I think I considered something like that, but I can’t really go ahead with the collection now in any other way. I have been legally called out, and have responded by taking it all down; I find I have no moral or ethical ground to put it all up in some other way.

Again, though, I’m still the obsessive packrat I was before, so if you’re looking for games, let me know!

Admittedly, this would be good during the zombie apocalypse.

that blows. Your collection was a great resource.
Peter, are you familiar with the glorious service that is BitTorrent Sync? Creating a sync folder for your collection might work.